Friday, October 20, 2006

Format Wars: HD-DVD & BLU-RAY Media PC!

Vidabox is first-to-market with their 2 new HD-DVD & Blu-Ray Media PCs, Named the MAX and LUX.
The MAX model comes complete with a 7" touchscreen for navigating video content.
The MAX is also prices at around $4400, and is a fairly hefty price-tag for those early-adopters who jump on the bandwagon.
The menus look pretty spiffy, and I'm curious to find out if there is any difference in the HD-DVD vs. Blu-Ray interface.
Nice to see that someone has put one of these dual-format players out there.
When Warner comes to market with their dual-format discs, this player will become obsolete, but I don't see that happening any time soon...

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